In person writing lessons to help NYC residents communicate their stories. We will focus on using the craft of writing memoir, short stories and poetry to generate memories of the events, people and places that mattered most to us in our lives. Writing exercises, excerpts from literature and feedback will be provided. I am an excellent listener and story guide. Preserve your stories for yourself and your loved ones. (private or semi-private sessions available.)
contact me by email-- [email protected] more information or to arrange a session. Please note: I have been ghostwriting trauma and grief based memoirs for several decades. I am a sensitive person skilled at guiding writers through difficult memories. I will treat your story with care and respect.
Private sessions $100 hour. (five-hour minimum commitment required) Sessions could last one or two hours, once or twice a week. Group rates/ classes upon request.
Package deals: 10 hours $900 Testimonials: "I have always loved writing and literature. It is lovely to spend a few hours every week devoting myself to my passion," Katrina Bonfilio.
"Danielle is a kind and lovely woman. Her visits are unobtrusive and she is good at sparking memories. Sometimes writing with her brings me back in time," Annette Mattson.
"I grew up in a country at war. Terrible things happened to my family and neighbors. There are a lot of difficult memories from that time. Danielle helped me work through them with my writing. I started first with one of her workshops, and later signed up for private lessons, This work is healing balm for the spirit. I highly recommend Danielle's services," Sonjia Kovalenko.
"Danielle's private lessons are a source of immense joy and gratification for my mother, Catherine Ann. She looked forward to Danielle's visits and enjoyed sharing the poetry she worked on with her over the phone with us. My mother is a very independent woman, but doesn't go out as much as she used to. We worry about her being alone. The writing lessons were very restorative for her and we are glad to be able to give her this gift that she treasures so much," Amy Barrett.